by bKgDxNPegJ | Apr 23, 2020 | Birth Stories
Empowering Breech Birth When I fell pregnant with my first daughter in 2015, I did a lot of research before settling on a birth ‘plan’. I went on to have a beautiful, textbook waterbirth in a hospital with a midwife. I fell pregnant a few months after her...
by bKgDxNPegJ | Apr 17, 2020 | Birth Stories
A VBAC Journey and the birth of my 4.92kg baby girl I had such a lovely experience at Genesis and if it can help someone else have the same, then that would be amazing. My big, beautiful VBAC baby birth story. My precious daughter was a big baby at 4.92kg. It is such...
by bKgDxNPegJ | Apr 16, 2020 | Birth Stories
Celeste Maritz Birth Story When we decided to start a family I fell pregnant much sooner than expected and it was while on a holiday in Europe that I realized something strange is happening to me- after returning to SA, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I...
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