About Us


At Great Expectations Midwives we believe that a positive birth experience sets the standards for a positive family bond to be established.

Great Expectations Midwives

We pride ourselves in trusting the process and allowing labour to unfold as normally and naturally as possible, only interfering when medically necessary. We believe that this is the reason we have a 78% natural birth rate and 62% successful vbac rate.

Where you birth has no impact on our care for you, we still remain your primary care giver and your monitoring is the same. It is therefore a choice based on where you will be most comfortable and what resonates with you most, whether that is birthing at home or birthing at Genesis clinic. Read more about Your Journey through pregnancy and birth with us. 


Sarah weighing newborn after birth at genesis clinic

About Sarah Jones

From the moment that I witnessed my first birth, I knew that this was the miracle in which I would feel honoured to be a part of. It is a time in which new parents feel their most vulnerable and therefore an opportunity for me to make the biggest difference. The birth of your child has a remarkable impact on the bond that you form together and I therefore believe in allowing parents to choose what is best for them. I studied at WITS University, and did my community service at Rahima Moosa mother and Child Hospital, before working as a midwife for Genesis clinic.

I joined Sue King in February 2017, as her beliefs in the natural process of labour aligned perfectly with mine and I felt that she could mentor and teach me the best, and I now want to carry her legacy forward so that other expectant families may still be touched by her. I worked together with Elrika (Private Midwife) until February 2022. Having a partner in the practice was an amazing start to private practice. I now practice on my own and look forward to walking this phenomenal journey with you.

– Sarah –

More from Sarah on her journey as private midwives in Johannesburg…

“Going the midwife route is really about trusting your body, and trusting your baby, and most importantly to trust the process!”

“Going the midwife route is really about trusting your body, and trusting your baby, and most importantly to trust the process!”

“Let choice whisper in your ear and love murmur in your heart. Be ready. Here comes life.” —Maya Angelou

Contact Us

We look forward to sharing this journey with you and hope to fulfill your birthing dreams and expectations.


Genesis Clinic

5 Northwold Drive, Saxonwold (5.30 km)