Celeste Maritz Birth Story

When we decided to start a family I fell pregnant much sooner than expected and it was while on a holiday in Europe that I realized something strange is happening to me- after returning to SA, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I always wanted to give birth naturally so after some research and a good friends recommendation we decided to give birth at Genesis Maternity Clinic. 

After attending a Genesis open day and meeting both Sarah & Elrika from Great Expectations, we were very happy to choose them as our midwives. I had a very easy/healthy pregnancy and was very active throughout the 40 weeks.  At 39 weeks I started to feel quite uncomfortable and impatient, little did I know that I would carry her until 41 weeks and 3 days. 

At 4AM on 7 March 2020, I got up for a routine bathroom break accompanied with my water breaking, about 25 minutes later I felt my first contraction and pretty soon, yet again sooner than I anticipated, they got stronger and more frequent. We arrived at Genesis at 7am and I got into the water bath soon after arriving.

Celeste Maritz birth story with Great Expectations Midwives

 The warm temperature of the water made me uncomfortable so my midwife, Elrika, suggested I get out and after some time outside the water we ended up on the bed. At 9:05 I was fully dilated and our beautiful baby girl was born at 9:21 weighing 3.51kg and measuring 49cm. 

Natural birth at Genesis Clinic with Great Expectations Midwives

Opting to give birth naturally, without any pain medication was by far the best choice I could have made and thinking back to the whole experience only brings a smile to my face. I worked with THE BEST team I could have asked for and was amazed by the confidence and calming environment Elrika created for me. Natural birth doesn’t hurt, it does the opposite, it gives you a feeling of empowerment and satisfaction far beyond anything else this world might offer- choosing the right midwife/doula is critical in ensuring a positive experience and I couldn’t be happier with my choices as I had the BEST EXPERIENCE of my life.

Celeste Maritz birth story from Genesis Birthing Clinic

Looking back at my 10 month journey it was filled with lots of gifts, the greatest being my daughter but beyond that I learned that I am stronger than what I believe and that I can achieve anything I set my mind to, I received the gift of friendship through my birth team and created a bond and unity amongst a group of strong women.

As I look at my perfect and healthy little girl i am beyond satisfied but sometimes I miss being pregnant and knowing that my birth story is at it’s end leaves me with a feeling of loss as I basically loved every second of it, from start to end. Parenthood has luckily filled that void to it’s brim.

Thank you to the best birth team that I believe exist on this earth, I couldn’t ask for anyone better and thanks to you, wouldn’t change a single thing.

“Let choice whisper in your ear and love murmur in your heart. Be ready. Here comes life.” —Maya Angelou

Contact Us

We look forward to sharing this journey with you and hope to fulfill your birthing dreams and expectations.


Genesis Clinic

5 Northwold Drive, Saxonwold (5.30 km)

15 + 7 =